:orphan: Nameko ====== *[nah-meh-koh]* .. pull-quote :: A microservices framework for Python that lets service developers concentrate on application logic and encourages testability. A nameko service is just a class: .. code-block:: python # helloworld.py from nameko.rpc import rpc class GreetingService: name = "greeting_service" @rpc def hello(self, name): return "Hello, {}!".format(name) .. note:: The example above requires `RabbitMQ `_, because it's using the built-in AMQP RPC features. `RabbitMQ installation guidelines `_ offer several installation options, but you can quickly install and run it using `Docker `_. To install and run RabbitMQ using docker: .. code-block:: shell $ docker run -d -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3 | *You might need to use sudo to do that.* You can run it in a shell: .. code-block:: shell $ nameko run helloworld starting services: greeting_service ... And play with it from another: .. code-block:: pycon $ nameko shell >>> n.rpc.greeting_service.hello(name="ナメコ") 'Hello, ナメコ!' User Guide ---------- This section covers most things you need to know to create and run your own Nameko services. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 what_is_nameko key_concepts installation cli built_in_extensions community_extensions testing writing_extensions More Information ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 about_microservices dependency_injection_benefits similar_projects getting_in_touch contributing license release_notes api