.. _community_extensions: Community ========= There are a number of nameko extensions and supplementary libraries that are not part of the core project but that you may find useful when developing your own nameko services: Extensions ---------- * `nameko-sqlalchemy `_ A ``DependencyProvider`` for writing to databases with SQLAlchemy. Requires a pure-python or otherwise eventlet-compatible database driver. Consider combining it with `SQLAlchemy-filters `_ to add filtering, sorting and pagination of query objects when exposing them over a REST API. * `nameko-sentry `_ Captures entrypoint exceptions and sends tracebacks to a `Sentry `_ server. * `nameko-amqp-retry `_ Nameko extension allowing AMQP entrypoints to retry later. * `nameko-bayeux-client `_ Nameko extension with a Cometd client implementing Bayeux protocol * `nameko-slack `_ Nameko extension for interaction with Slack APIs. Uses Slack Developer Kit for Python. * `nameko-eventlog-dispatcher `_ Nameko dependency provider that dispatches log data using Events (Pub-Sub). * `nameko-redis-py `_ Redis dependency and utils for Nameko. * `nameko-redis `_ Redis dependency for nameko services * `nameko-statsd `_ A StatsD dependency for nameko, enabling services to send stats. * `nameko-twilio `_ Twilio dependency for nameko, so you can send SMS, make calls, and answer calls in your service. * `nameko-sendgrid `_ SendGrid dependency for nameko, for sending transactional and marketing emails. * `nameko-cachetools `_ Tools to cache RPC interactions between your nameko services. Supplementary Libraries ----------------------- * `django-nameko `_ Django wrapper for Nameko microservice framework. * `flask_nameko `_ A wrapper for using nameko services with Flask. * `nameko-proxy `_ Standalone async client to communicate with Nameko microservices. Search PyPi for more `nameko packages `_ If you would like your own nameko extension or library to appear on this page, please :ref:`get in touch `.